Australian Folk Songs
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Surfing Song (1923)
To Brighton, To Brighton ! the surf calls to come.
The great waves are beating the ocean's deep drum.
The wide skies are azure, the ocean is blue.
And Brighton is calling a welcome to you.To Brighton, to Brighton ! come now each sweet girl,
Be glad in the white surf's health giving whirl ;
Oh don bathing costumes and come, come away,
To where breakers are crashing showers of spray !The beach line is edged with surf hissing white,
That sparkles and gleams in the pleasant sun's light,
Come folk from the City, where life is unkind
Come to Brighton le Sands and feel the sea-wind !Come old folk and young folk, come sweet girl and boy.
Leave all cares behind, life was made for joy ;
Brighton Beach is inviting, the wide skies are blue,
And the ocean is shouting a welcome to you !--E. J. JAMIESON.
From the NSW Newspaper The St George Call 16 Nov 1923 p. 6.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory