Australian Folk Songs

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Bunyip Station of the Great Speewah (1937)

"Bill the Rouseabout" writes:--

Forty-six years ago this very month I landed a job as tar boy and rouseabout at Werriwa. I humped "bluey" from Doughboy to the Sandhills, where I donned the mocassins and slid along the greasv floor to the sharp command: "Tar here and jump back!" After tea at the shearers' hut the new chums were regaled with stories of the bunyip of the far out back:--

Out on the fringe of the Never Never,
Out where the heat waves dance for ever,
Out where the pigs for daylight root,
And the pigeons fly with felted boots,
Where they rise the sun with a golden bar,
On the bunyip station of the great "Speewah."


From the NSW Newspaper The Shoalhaven News17 Nov 1937 p. 10.

Legends of the Speewah and the Bunyip abound in Australian shearers' folklore.


australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory