Australian Folk Songs

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Ode to the Hen (1896)

On robin and skylark and linnet, spring poets write page after page :
Their praises are sounded each minute by prophet, soothsayer, and sage ,
But not since the stars sang together, not since the creation of men ,
Has anyone drawn a goose feather in praise of the patient old hen.

All honour and praise to the singing, that cheers up the wildwood in spring ;
The old recollections oft bringing joy, childhood, and that sort of thing;
But dearer to me than the twitter of robin or martin or wren ,
Is that motherly cluck when a litter of chickens surround the old hen.

And her midwinter cackle, how cheery, above the straw nest she has made ;
It notifies hearts all aweary another fresh egg has been laid ;
And when the old bird waxes heavy, and aged and lazy and fat,
Well cooked with light dumplings and gravy there's great consolation in that.



From South Australian Newspaper Petersburg Times 14 Feb 1896 p. 2.


australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory