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SuperCard Menus

Most projects you will see come with a standard menu bar. SuperCard users expect to be able to use many of the items in the menus to carry out functions like copying cards, printing and navigation through the project.

Hiding and Showing the menu bar

Unless it has been deleted in the stack's scripts you can show a hidden menu bar by pressing <Command-M>. The same keyboard combination will also hide a menu bar that is showing.


This command can be used in scripts to activate any item in the menu bar. Try these in your message box

Customising the menu bar

SuperCard gives the project creator the power to customise the menu bar and the menu items. You can create your own menus for the particular requirements of your project

Create a Menu using MenuMaster

Open the project you've been working on and select MenuMaster from the Utilities menu.

Click New and the following dialog box appears. Name the new menu you wish to create

The new menu will appear at the end of the existing menus. You can create your menu items in the MenuMaster as well

Each menu item requires a script in order to do anything when selected. To edit the script of your menu item select it while holding down the shift key. Now type the following sentence under the on itemSelect that begins the script

the complete script should look like this

When you select the menu item the following diaolog will appear

Finally you also need to add a small script to your Window or Project script so that your new menu appears when you open the project. Select Project Info... in the Edit menu, then click on script. Add the line insert menu "MyMenu" to the startUp script so it looks like this

If you open your project with SuperEdit you can see how your new menus are stored

SuperEdit provides you with another way to create menus and script the menu items as well as allowing you to copy and paste menus from one project to another, just as with other superCard objects. When you select Menu in the project window in SuperEdit you will see New Menu as one of the items in the Edit menu

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