Australian Folk Songs
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Old Bush Ballads And Songs (1940)
Dr. Percy Jones CollectingDr. Percy Jones, the well-known Australian musician and bandmaster, is engaged on the collection
of old ballads and songs which were sung in the mining towns and the shearing sheds of Australia
during its earlier pioneering days.Dr. Jones has written to "The Worker" asking if any of our readers who can recall any of these
songs would assist him in his collection, and we would be pleased to hear of any because Dr. Jones
is engaged on a most necessary and praiseworthy work.The ballads and the folk songs of a nation or a people are a very charming feature of their nationality
which make an appeal to all who are in any way fond of music and more than that history has frequently
shown us that they have been a never-ending inspiration to generous and noble deeds, and a powerful
mental stimulus in times of trouble or adversity.
The folk songs and ballads of England, of Ireland, and of Scotland, particularly have and still
contribute greatly to the joyousness of all English-speaking people, and it would be a great pity if
the songs of the mining camps and the shearing sheds which stimulated our pioneers and so many of the
present generation when it was young, were allowed to slip from our young nationality without some
steps being taken to preserve them.We would, therefore, be more than pleased if our readers would forward any of these songs that they may
recall and we will be happy to acknowledge them in "The Worker" and forward them on to Dr. Jones for
his collection.Notes
From the Brisbane newspaper the Worker Tuesday 3 December 1940 p. 12.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory