Introduction to SuperCardSuperCard can be thought of in a number of ways A Pack of Cards?As its name implies SuperCard can be thought of as a pack of cards. The cards can be linked together and the pack or deck forms an endless loop like the old Rolodex indexing system. A Database?Sometimes SuperCard is described as a sort of database or catalog for organising information and linking it together. So many thingsBy using a lot of different SuperCard Projects you will discover that it can look like a lot of very different things and once you get to make your own SuperCard projects you will design them to fit your needs and not some ready made category. SuperCard creation is programming and can be utterly simple or incredibly complex. SuperCard StructureSuperCard consists of 8 basic objects each of which can have a script attached.ProjectProjects are SuperCard documents comparable to documents you create with other programs, except that projects are "smarter." They can do many more things than most programs. You decide what your projects will do and how they work. A project is a collection of Windows. Each Project contains one or more Windows with one or more Cards. Cards can also share common elements that appear in the same Background. Each Project has a name WindowEach Window contains one or more Cards. These can contain Graphics, Buttons and Fields. Each Window has a number, a unique id number and can also have a name CardEach card is a rectangular area that can contain Buttons, Text, Fields and Graphics. Each Card has a number, a unique id number and can also have a name BackgroundEach Background contains one or more Cards. Backgrounds can contain Graphics, Buttons and Fields. Each Background has a number, a unique id number and can also have a name FieldFields are specialised containers for text. Each Field has a number, a unique id number and may have a name ButtonButtons are activated by the mouse and are used for initiating action. A Button may have an Icon. Each Button has a number, a unique id number and may have a name GraphicsSuperCard uses both Draw and Paint (bitmap) graphics. Each Graphic has a number, a unique id number and may have a name MenusSuperCard allows you design your own menus for the menubar Return to top of page |