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Books for learning SuperCard and SuperTalkThe manuals that come with the latest version of SuperCard (version 3.0) are very good and they may be all you need.One book that stands out for SuperCard is Beginning SuperCard Programming by Larry T. Kuhn. It comes with a CD-ROM and a very comprehensive tutorial. Published by InfoSilo (1996) it provides a good way to begin.
InfoSilo However, since SuperCard is closely related to HyperCard, using over 90 percent the same scripting, it's worth looking at some of the HyperCard books. There are literally dozens of books that will teach you HyperCard and HyperTalk.
Here are some that I have used over the years. Some of these have later editions too. (The ones marked* have disks with example stacks).
If I had to choose just one of these books I'd go for The Complete HyperCard 2.2 Handbook by Danny Goodman
Helpful ProjectsThe full version of SuperCard comes with a number of very useful projects
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