Australian Folk Songs

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The Basic Wage Dream (1964)

Words - Don Henderson

Music - Traditional Irish Tune

A most interesting contribution to the current basic wage struggle by the Australian
Council of Salaried and Professional Associations is their use of folk song.

LAST year ACSPA issued the popular disc, "Oh Pay Me", to help in the margins fight.

They have followed up this year "Basic Wage Dream".

The title song by Sydney writer Don Henderson tells the story of a strange dream in which a judge,
not only granted the union's claim for 52 bob but made it retospective to 1907.
When the dreamer wakes up, like the man who dreams race winners, he can't remember the judge's name.

A couple of verses gives an idea of its gently satirical humour:
"On the first pay day after the trial I couldn't believe my luck,
"The paymaster brought my wages out on a fork lift truck,
"I dreamed we got paid on a Friday and on that lovely night,
"Mayne Nickless sent an armoured car to get me home all right.

"On the way we stopped at the RSL and as I walked inside,
"A poker machine took a look at my pay and committed suicide,
"I turned around when I heard a man behind me softly speak,
"It was Dr. Coombs trying to borrow a quid to see him through the week."

Other songs on the record include "Talking Basic Wage", "Asteroid Light", an anti-nuclear testing song,
and "Brisbane Ladies" "The Overlanders", famous Australian folk songs
Copies can be obtained from ACSPA, 53 Hardware Street, Melbourne for 11/- posted.


From the Sydney Newspaper The Tribune 12 Feb 1964 p. 4.


australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory