Australian Folk Songs
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The Queensland Cattle Drovers (1949)
'Neath the starlit skies of Queensland,
Through desert sand and heat waves,
Some weary drovers lay,
Worn out, tired, and weary.
After riding hard all day.
For many miles they've travelled,
From a far North-western run.
And cursing blazing sun.
But out on the western "prairie"
The stars are shining bright,
The friendly fire is glowing,
In the drovers' camp to-night. The drover has a tough life,
But his friendships never fail,
From north to south, and east, to west,
They're the best men on the trail.
Now another day is ended.
So they lie beneath the sky. While out on the western plain land.
The restless cattle lie.
The calm of the night is broken,
By a night bird calling strong,
While riding around the cattle,
Hear the stockman's yodelling song. The colt with ears pricked forward,
Is bold and brave and true;
He knows he's gladly helping,
To drive the cattle through.
He's careful in every footstep,
Not to stumble or to fail
They must not lose the cattle--
They're fats for southern sale. Somewhere in the distance,
Hear the horses' tinkling bells.
And their bobble-chains a-jingling
They're glad of a good night's spell.
But early in the morning,
Long before the break of dawn.
The horse-taller is a-riding,
And rounding up them all. When the weary trip is over,
And they get the cattle down,
The drovers all will get their pay,
To spend It In the town.
They'll then go home to mother.
Or friends they love so dear;
But soon they'll be back on dusty tracks,
For hardships they never fear. Hughenden "Western Cowgirl" NotesFrom the Queensland Newspaper the Townsville Daily Bulletin 28 Dec 1949 p. 3.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory