Australian Folk Songs
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The Fireman's Song (1900)
(BY W. R. RILEY.) ALL honor to the soldier brave, who on the battle field
Fights for his Queen and country, and never thinks to yield.
All honor to the sailor bold, upholding on the seas,
The flag that's braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze.
And there's another service needing arm as strong and heart as brave,
And home and life and child and wife--its mission is to save. Chorus-- By day and by night, to the fearsome fight
At the sound of the warning bell,
The fireman swift and stern goes forth To a fate that none can tell.
See how McGarry on the roof so bravely plied the branch,
Till the tottering walls collapsed beneath this fireman, tried and staunch;
How Cameron though growing old, hearing an infant's cry,
Rushed through the flame and blinding smoke and bore him out on high.
How Brown and Jones and Robinson were scarred and and seared for life
Saving the draper's daughter and then the grocer's wife. Chorus-- By day and by night, &c. For him there is no Victoria Cross, no ribbon blue nor red,
The public press alone records what justly must be said;
But I would some decoration could suitably be planned,
Medal or star, that could be worn and honored through the land;
For his deeds of valiant daring it surely is but due
To stamp the humble fireman as hero brave and true. Chorus--By day and by night, &c. Notes From the NSW Newspaper the Goulburn Herald 24 Dec 1900 p. 4. Top
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory