Australian Folk Songs
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War, What For? (1927)
But whether it be yours to fall or kill,
You must not pause to question why nor where;
You see the tiny crosses on that hill?
It took all those to make one. millionaire.So stagger back, you stupid dupes, who've "won,"
Back to your stricken towns, to toil anew;
For there your dismal tasks are still undone,
And grim Starvation gropes again for you!Then you will find that 'nation' is a name,
And boundaries are things that don't exist;
That Labor's bondage world-wide is the same,
And one the enemy it must resist!--Ralph Chaplin.
From the Sydney Newspaper the Australian Worker Wed 13 Apr 1927 p. 20.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory