Australian Folk Songs
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Song of the Rebels (1916)
Come, all you stalwart Rebels,
And pledge this toast with me--
'The Day ! the Day! that none shall stay,
The morn that makes men free."For we have heard a breeze that stirred
The noisome days of death,
And seeds long-sown, shall rise and own
The vivifying breath.Inspiring breeze of Freedom,
The power our fathers knew,
We rise from sleep and drink in deep,
Our vigor to renew.A peril we to tyranny,
A menace to the wrong,
Our flag ahead is living red,
A war-note is our song !Against existing chaos.
And strife of man and man.
Against despair and haunting care,
Lean Poverty's foul claw;Against the grind that warps the mind,
Against those fears that slay.
Against all greed, dishonor, need,
We march to fight to-day.So come, you stalwart Rebels
Join hands around, thc earth,
See bright beyond that mighty bond
That links us in our mirth--The Day ! the Day ! that none can stay.
One, hope, one goal, one sun,
The joy to be in Liberty,
Thc reign of Love begun !Rose E. Sharland.
From the Brisbane newspaper the Worker Thursday 22 June 1916, p. 3.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory