Australian Folk Songs

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A War Song (1892)

Rise ! Australian sons of Labour,
Hearken to the bugle's bray,
Buckle on your shield and sabre,
Gird you for the fray.

Burst the Tyrant's chains asunder
Which for ages you have worn ;
Fear not the oppressor's thunder.
Hail our country's morn !

Freedom is our only watchword,
Union is our greatest strength ;
Soon our voices shall be heard
O'er earth's breadth and length.

Waste no force in wordy warfare,
Actions only now can save ;
In this struggle all must share :
Victory crowns the brave.

Man the ballot-box, I tell you,
Raze that House which overawes,
Spurn the tyrants who would quell you.
Justice first, then laws.

March on comrades to the battle ;
Up, and at them ! Sound alarms !
When we hear th' election's rattle,
Comrades, then to arms !



From the Wagga NSW newspaper the Worker Saturday 29 October 1892, p. 4.


australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory