Australian Folk Songs
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O'Connell the Brave ! (1835)
By John M'Lean, Coal-Miner.
Sanderson, Printer, High Street, Edinburgh.You sons of Old Scotia, now show yourselves true,
Hoist up the thistle, with the huff and the blue,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.
M. P. O'Connell he soon will be here,
When every good man he will give three cheers ;
Hoist up the green flag for O'Connell the brave,
Ye true sons of freedom, now don't he afraid,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.The West Port and Canongate are all in an uproar,
In the Cowgate the brokers from Hibernia shore,
Are all for the sake of the shamrock so green.
M. P. O'Connell he soon will come down,
To view this fine city and suburbs around ;
The Whigs and the Radicals now all combine,
And Paddy from Cork is coming to dine,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.All the free tradesmen here in this town,
Have resolved to spend some thousand pound,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.
Both beef and mutton, and plenty of veal,
All for the sake of conquering Peel,
Pork and pease, and roasted lamb,
The best of cheese, and plenty of ham,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.The true sons of freedom they all do boast,
O'Connell cries out, I will pay all the cost,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.
Puncheons of Whisky will come from Lochrin,
My wife she cries out I must put in the pin ;
I took off my hat, and I laughed at that?
Hurrah ! for O'Connell ! cries Sandy and Pat,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.The sailors in Leith will make a fine show,
The carpenters and them will walk in a row,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.
The porters and carters I know they are sure,
They will bring up their colours, the buff and the blue;
The band wilt play the same as at Grey,
And the tune they'll play is St. Patrick's Day,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.Now to conclude, and make an end of this song,
We'll drink the whisky that's both stout and strong,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.
He will kick out the Tories in spite of their nose,
O'Connell's the boy that can conquer his foes
; Let freedom and liherty around them shine,
Since Whigs and Radicals do now combine,
All for the sake of the shamrock so green.Notes
From the Scottish broadside ballad collection The Word on the Street.This piece appears to have been written specially to announce the arrival in Edinburgh of the Irish politician and rebel Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847). O'Connell was a campaigner for Catholic Emancipation and the Repeal of the Irish Union with Great Britain, subjects which would have struck a chord with many Scots.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory