Australian Folk Songs
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Stick To The Union (1889)
Stick to the Union lads, its principles are just;
Stick to tbe Union lads, 'twill help yon earn a crust;
It has helped us out of trouble, 'twill help as out again.
So stick to the Union lads, and always act as men.Our cause has been a just one, as all true men admit.
It shows that Wallaroo miners are made of pluck and grit;
It shows unto the public that we can act up square,
And come what may, or come what Willi treat everybody fair.We're loyal to our masters, and to ourselves as well;
And go to work with lighter hearts than outsiders can tell;
And though we may have trials in future yet to come,
Stick to the Union lads, and never from it run.John Tamblyn now has shown that he can change his mind,
And in the ranks of true men will not be left behind ;
Twas a sad misunderstanding 'twixt us and him indeed.
But tbe motive was a pure one and not induced by greed.John Visick now has joined us, we'll hononr him for it too,
And show the world that we can still believe him
And may those men who still may think that be did not act right.
Bring forth their accusations into tbe broad day light.Our local member, David Bews, is with as we all know,
And at the next election, we mast give him a show.
And Mr France our Mayor has shown that in his heart,
There lies a place for miners from saleyards kept apart.Most of Kadina public who depend on as for trade.
No doubt will show their judgment and be honorary members made,
We've shown them we are temperate, we've shown them we are strong,
And let as trust for evermore with them we'll get along.James Waters and Tom Bawden I'm sure our thanks have got,
For the manner they have spoken and for onr cause have fought.
And when we've need of reason we have not far to go;
While these two men are with ns and that I think we know.In little Mr Nieholls, our worthy leader here.
We have a man who from wrong will ever steer,
A man who always shows what manliness can do,
May be never have a cause his line of thought to rue.Then stick to the Union lads, aye slick to it forever.
Stick to it through thick and thin, tho' other ties we sever;
It stood by you, then stand by it, though suffering you may stand,
And Kadina men as true men will be known throughout the land.MICK DOLAN.
June 11, 1889.
From the South Australian Newspaper the The Kadina and Wallaroo Times Wednesday 12 June 1889 p. 4.
Another much shorter version of this song from another author was published in the South Australian Newspaper the Weekly Herald Saturday 25 June 1898 p. 2.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory