Australian Folk Songs
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Stick To The Union, Lads (1898)
Stick to the union, lads, its principles are just ;
Stick to the union, lads, 'twill help you earn a crust.
United to each other, and each to one and all,
No power on earth can split us or bring about our fallEach worker for humanity we claim as friend and brother,
Each one who'll sink his envy to work for one another.
Class prejudice and bigotry we cannot tolerate,
Within the ranks of labor there is no room for hate.This strife 'twixt labor's soldiers will ruin labor's cause,
And let the Tory in the House to mould his iron laws.
All diff'rences 'tween man and man, all mean unworthy spite
Must sink for ever from our hearts if we would act aright.The cruel bands will tighten which bind us hard and fast,
Our loads we'll never lighten by brooding o'er the past.
Go sacrifice your feeling, the hatchet bury deep,
Then in labor's triumph your just reward you'll reap.Beneath Australia's sunny skies, free from the old tradition
That bids the worker be content to bear with his condition.
We'll seek to better labor's lot by honest combination,
By standing firm when duty needs, by ceaseless agitation.Then stick to the union, lads, aye, stick to it for ever ;
Stick to it through thick and thin, though other ties you sever.
It stood by you, then stand by it though you may suffering stand,
And union men as true men shall be known throughout the land.E. DODD.
From the South Australian Newspaper the Weekly Herald Saturday 25 June 1898 p. 2.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory