Australian Folk Songs
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The Song Of The Striker (1892)
(A Variation)
Hurrah, hurrah, for the men who stand
Against the oppressor's might;
Heart linked to heart and hand to hand
Till the striker achieves his right.
Till and the bulls and the bears are put to the rout
And benevolent masters are quite knocked out.Hurrah for the strike and the strikers brave,
When the joys that shall follow on,
And freedom of contract is laid in the grave
And the goal of fraternity's won.
When the master shall work as an honest man
And the men delight as the masters can.Hurrah, hurrah, when the bonds of old
Are snapt as a branch by the wind;
When the wealth of the soul shall shame their gold,
And the heart to their dross grow blind.
When the worker shall feast on corn and wine
And the curse is past of " thine and mine."Faint not, oh, leaders in the fight,
Take heart, a new defeat makes wise ;
Be brave, and victory's noble height
Shall glad your souls and greet your eyes.
March on, lead on, the coming race
Shall speak your fame and sing your grace.W. BOLLEN.
From the Adelaide Newspaper the South Australian Register Wednesday 31 August 1892 p. 6.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory