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Dearest Lassie O ! (1836)
Your letter I received, my dearest lassie O !
My heart is much relieved, my bonny lassie O !
Yes I'll e'en take your advice--
Get to Sydney in a trice
And his reverence ask to wed us, dearest lassie O !II.
My flocks are doing well, my pretty lassie O !
And I now can act a swell, dearest lassie O !
This news will make you glad,
Though my neighbours all are sad,
As their sheep are very bad, my dearest lassie O !III.
People slander me I know, my dearest lassie O !
'Cause I do not make much show, my pretty lassie 0 !
But they may laugh and sneer ;
Their malice I don't fear,--
Whilst you remain my dear and pretty lassie O !IV.
My wig I have thrown off, my pretty lassie O !
And folks dare no longer scoff, my dearest lassie O !
Tho' my head is almost bare,
From the falling of my hair,
Still, you'll find some "LARNING" there, my pretty lassie O !V.
I intend to buy more land, my pretty lassie O !
Then I'll start a four-in-hand, my pretty lassie O !
My days will sweetly pass
With you, my dearest lass,
At my villa up at YASS, my dearest lassie O !VI.
To Simmons's we'll go, my pretty lassie O !
He is stage manager you know, my dearest lassie O !
You'll find some dresses there,
Which will suit you to a hair,
And make the YASS folks stare, my pretty lassie O !VII.
Oh think just what you'll be, my dearest lassie O !
The WIFE OF a J. P., my pretty lassie O !
Who with awful power and might,
And the law in his own right,
Puts the cattle-stealers to flight, my dearest lassie O !VIII.
I think within a week, my dearest lassie O !
I will have * * * *'s Creek, my pretty lassie O !
And "* * * *'s Station too,
For a cattle run will do,
Which I'll settle upon you, my dearest lassie O !IX.
People say I have asked a scree my pretty lassie O !
(To marry me) and more, my pretty lassie O !
But that pray don't believe,
For you know I can't deceive,
Nor would I wish to grieve you, dearest lassie O !X.
I must now lay down my pen, my pretty lassie O !
The happiest of men, my dearest lassie O !
Pray believe me now to be,
With love and constancy,
Yours truly , A. B. C.,--dearest lassie O !Notes
From the NSW Newspaper the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser Saturday 13 February 1836 p. 4.
Many thanks to Dr. Hugh Anderson for alerting me to this song.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory