Australian Folk Songs
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A Song For The Season (1863)
Words By William Barlow.
Old Scotch Air.(As sung with great applause by Mr JOHN GILBERT on the Weddin Course.)
To the Lords of the Council 'twas Gilbert upspoke,
Ere the Rangers go down there are crowns to be broke,
Then each gallant youth that would plunder with me,
Let him follow the Banners of Gilbert the Free.Come fill up my cup, come fill up my can;
Come saddle my horses, and call out my men;
Thro' all the West Country e'en let us gang free,
For its who so foolhardy dare meddle wi' me?Bold Gilbert is mounted, he rides thro' the West;
Thro' all the wide quarter his steed is the best,
For from Coombing's fair stables he took him by force,
And Coombing's young laird still laments for his loss.
Come fill up, &c.The Weddin has gullies, Abercrombie has caves;
If you've traps in the East, in the West I have slaves,
And Cockatoo settlers three thousand time three.
Will cry shares in the booty with Gilbert the Free.
Come fill up, &c.Then I'll pillage the Banks, and I'll stick up the stores;
I'll rout your sham Escorts, I'll laugh at your laws,
And tremble false loons in the midst of your glee,
For you've not seen the last of O'Meally and me.
Come fill up, &c.Bathurst, 10 August 1865. J.G.B.
Published in Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle Saturday 15 August 1863 p. 3.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory