Australian Folk Songs
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Kelly Gang
Come all you sons of liberty the news is going round
That on the bold Ned Kelly's head they've set a thousand pound
For Steve Hart and Dan Kelly five hundred they will give
But if the sum was doubled I'm sure the Kelly boys would live
It was in November Seventy Nine the Kelly boys came down
After shooting sergeant Kennedy they rode into Euroa town
To rob the bank of all its gold was their idea that day
Blood horses they was mounted on to make their getaway
Ned Kelly walked into the bank a pistol in his hand
Hand over all the money now ten thousand pound on demand
Likewise the ammunition the bold Ned Kelly said
And get on the go and dont be slow or I'll shoot youse through the head
An Afghan hawker they captured next as everybody knows
He come in handy to the gang by fitting them out with clothes
And of their worn out rags me boys they made a few bonfires
And then destroyed the telegraph by cutting down the wires
They raced into Jerilderie town about twelve o'clock at night
They caught the troopers in their beds and gave them a hell of a fright
They held them up at pistol point and I'm ashamed to tell
They marched them along in their nightshirts and they locked them in a cell
Next morning dressed in troopers clothes still owners of the ground
They took their horses to the forge and had them shod free all round
They led them back and mounted and their plans worked out so well
They strolled along the main street and stuck up the Royal Hotel
Their robbing over the mounted then and made a quick retreat
They swept awy with all their loot along down Morgan's old beat
And where they are now well I dont know if I did I wouldn't tell
So now until I hear from them I bid youse all fairwell
Tune 'The Cherry Tree' this song is another version of 'Kelly's Byrne and Hart'
This version from Bert Lloyd on Topic "First Person" 1966. Ned Kelly addressed a couple of public meetings in Jerilderie and left a long defiant article with the local newspaper, the famous Jerilderie letter.
There are a number of Kelly web sites but this is the finest I've discovered:
Edward 'Ned' Kelly
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory